NEN 2660
Normative classes and properties (RDFS, OWL, and SHACL)
NEN 2660 uses the following prefix statements:
prefix nen2660-term: <>
prefix nen2660: <>
abbreviation <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:TopConcept |
rdfs:range | xsd:string |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:abbreviation |
rdfs:subPropertyOf | skos:altLabel |
skos:definition | "Acronym or initial word as special case of an external name"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "abbreviation"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:AnnotationProperty |
AbstractConcept <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:AbstractConcept |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:TopConcept |
skos:definition | "Concept that forms a manifestation and demarcation in an abstract space. An abstract concept has no life cycle"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Abstract concept"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
Activity <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Activity |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Entity |
skos:definition | "Entity that takes place or can take place in a concrete space-time. An activity transforms objects, and is executed by an object"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Activity"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom nen2660:Activity ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
AggregationStateType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdf:type | nen2660:EnumerationType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:AggregationStateType |
skos:definition | "One of the four fundamental states of matter being a solid, liquid, gas or plasma"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Aggregation state type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
owl:oneOf | ( nen2660:Solid nen2660:Liquid nen2660:Gas nen2660:Plasma ) |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:in | ( nen2660:Solid nen2660:Liquid nen2660:Gas nen2660:Plasma ) |
aggregationStateType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Matter |
rdfs:range | nen2660:AggregationStateType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:aggregationStateType |
skos:definition | "The possession of an aggregation state type"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "aggregation state type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
AllDisjointClasses_1 <>
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:AllDisjointClasses |
owl:members | ( nen2660:PhysicalObject nen2660:InformationObject nen2660:Activity nen2660:Event nen2660:State ) |
AllDisjointClasses_2 <>
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:AllDisjointClasses |
owl:members | ( nen2660:RealObject nen2660:SpatialRegion ) |
AllDisjointClasses_3 <>
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:AllDisjointClasses |
owl:members | ( nen2660:FunctionalEntity nen2660:TechnicalEntity ) |
AllDisjointClasses_4 <>
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:AllDisjointClasses |
owl:members | ( nen2660:PlannedEntity nen2660:RealizedEntity ) |
AllDisjointClassesShape <>
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:path ( rdf:type [ sh:zeroOrMorePath rdfs:subClassOf ; ] ) ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:in ( nen2660:RealObject nen2660:SpatialRegion ) ; ] ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:path ( rdf:type [ sh:zeroOrMorePath rdfs:subClassOf ; ] ) ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:in ( nen2660:FunctionalEntity nen2660:TechnicalEntity ) ; ] ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:path ( rdf:type [ sh:zeroOrMorePath rdfs:subClassOf ; ] ) ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:in ( nen2660:PlannedEntity nen2660:RealizedEntity ) ; ] ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:path ( rdf:type [ sh:zeroOrMorePath rdfs:subClassOf ; ] ) ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:in ( nen2660:PhysicalObject nen2660:InformationObject nen2660:State nen2660:Event nen2660:Activity ) ; ] ; ] |
sh:targetSubjectsOf | rdf:type |
AmountOfBulkMatter <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:AmountOfBulkMatter |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:RealObject |
skos:definition | "A real object that consists of a continuous amount of non-rigid matter, held together primarily by external forces (gravity or confinement)"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Amount of bulk matter"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
begins <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Event |
rdfs:range | nen2660:State |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:begins |
skos:definition | "The state that is started by an event"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "begins"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
ChemicalCompound <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:ChemicalBonding |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:PureSubstance |
skos:definition | "Pure substance consisting of two or more chemical elements that have a chemical bond with each other. In a chemical compound, the elements occur in a fixed ratio. A compound can be broken down into simpler substances by means of chemical reactions"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Chemical compound"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
ChemicalElement <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:ChemicalElement |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:PureSubstance |
skos:definition | "Pure substance that is made up of atoms with the same atomic number. A chemical element cannot be decomposed through chemical reactions"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Chemical element"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
chemicalFormula <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Matter |
rdfs:range | xsd:string |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:chemicalFormula |
skos:definition | "The possession of information about the chemical proportions of atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "chemical formula"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:DatatypeProperty |
ConceptType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:ConceptType |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Type |
skos:definition | "A meta-concept having concepts as instances that can have attributes or relations"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Concept type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
ConcreteConcept <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:ConcreteConcept |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:TopConcept |
skos:definition | "Concept that forms a manifestation and a demarcation in a concrete space-time. A concrete concept has a life cycle"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Concrete concept"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
Connection <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Connection |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
skos:definition | "A physical object (real object or spatial area) that connects two other physical objects and over which interaction takes place, namely the transfer of matter, energy, information or forces"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Connection"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
connectsObject <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:range | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:connectsObject |
skos:definition | "The physical objects connected by a connection or interface"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "connects object"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain | [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( nen2660:Connection nen2660:Interface ) ; ] |
connectsPort <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:range | nen2660:Port |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:connectsPort |
skos:definition | "The ports (as part of physical objects) connected by a connection or interface"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "connects port"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain | [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( nen2660:Connection nen2660:Interface ) ; ] |
consistsOf <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:consistsOf |
skos:definition | "The matter a real object or mixture is made of"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "consists of"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
rdfs:domain | [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( nen2660:RealObject nen2660:Mixture ) ; ] |
rdfs:range | [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( nen2660:Matter nen2660:MatterPortion ) ; ] |
contains <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:SpatialRegion |
rdfs:range | nen2660:RealObject |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:contains |
skos:definition | "The real objects located in a spatial region, typically the gaseous amount of bulk matter present in that region"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "contains"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
DiscreteObject <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:DiscreteObject |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:RealObject |
skos:definition | "A real object consisting of a contiguous amount of form-retaining matter, held together primarily by internal forces (gravity or electromagnetic force)"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Discrete object"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
ends <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Event |
rdfs:range | nen2660:State |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:ends |
skos:definition | "The state that is ended by an event"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "ends"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
EnergyFlow <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | nen2660:TransferType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:EnergyFlow |
skos:definition | "The movement of an amount of energy (as capacity to do work)"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Energy flow"@en |
Entity <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Entity |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:ConcreteConcept |
skos:definition | "Concept that forms a manifestation and a demarcation in a concrete space-time, and which has a certain state at any moment in time. An entity has a unique identity that remains constant throughout its life cycle. The life cycle of an entity is made up of the sequence of states of that entity, which follow each other in time. An entity is an object or an activity. An object exists, an activity takes place"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Entity"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:State ; sh:path nen2660:hasState ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:Event ; sh:path nen2660:triggers ; ] |
EnumerationType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:EnumerationType |
rdfs:subClassOf | rdfs:Container |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Type |
skos:definition | "A meta-concept having concepts as instances having no further attributes or relations (annotations only)"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Enumeration type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
Event <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Event |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:ConcreteConcept |
skos:definition | "Transition between two successive states of an entity (object or activity). An event is triggered in a state"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Event"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom nen2660:Event ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:State ; sh:path nen2660:begins ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:State ; sh:path nen2660:ends ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:Event ; sh:path nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
executes <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
rdfs:range | nen2660:Activity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:executes |
skos:definition | "The activity executed by a physical object"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "executes"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
Force <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | nen2660:TransferType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Force |
skos:definition | "Physical quantity which, when exerted on a body, causes tension or pressure to arise therein, or which causes the body to change motion, accelerate"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Force"@en |
FunctionalEntity <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:FunctionalEntity |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Entity |
skos:definition | "An entity involving the external behavior where the output contributes to stakeholder objectives implemented/played by one or more technical entities"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Functional entity"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom nen2660:Entity ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
Gas <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | nen2660:AggregationStateType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Gas |
skos:definition | "Matter in an intermediate state between liquid and plasma that can be contained only if it is fully surrounded by a solid (or in a bubble of liquid) (or held together by gravitational pull); it can condense into a liquid, or can (rarely) become a solid directly by deposition"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Gas"@en |
GeometricEntity <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:GeometricEntity |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Representation |
skos:definition | "Named concept, which forms an actual or virtual demarcation in a concrete (physical, three-dimensional) space, which we experience in reality"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Geometric entity"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
hasBoundary <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:ConcreteConcept |
rdfs:range | nen2660:GeometricEntity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasBoundary |
skos:definition | "The geometric entity representing the boundary of a concrete concept"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has boundary"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasFunctionalPart <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:FunctionalEntity |
rdfs:range | nen2660:FunctionalEntity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasFunctionalPart |
rdfs:subPropertyOf | nen2660:hasPart |
skos:definition | "The hasPart relation of a functional nature"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has functional part"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasInterior <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:ConcreteConcept |
rdfs:range | nen2660:GeometricEntity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasInterior |
skos:definition | "The geometric entity representing the interior of a concrete concept"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has interior"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasPart <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:ConcreteConcept |
rdfs:range | nen2660:ConcreteConcept |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasPart |
skos:definition | "A decomposition (hasPart) relation between concrete concepts"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has part"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasPartsGroup <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:ConcreteConcept |
rdfs:range | rdfs:Container |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasPart |
skos:definition | "The possession of an group of, potentially implicit, parts"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has parts group"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasQuantityKind <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:range | qudt:QuantityKind |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasQuantityKind |
skos:definition | "The possession of a quantity kind"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has quantity kind"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasQuantityKindShape <>
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:class | qudt:QuantityKind |
sh:targetObjectsOf | nen2660:hasQuantityKind |
hasRequirement <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:TopConcept |
rdfs:range | nen2660:Requirement |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasRequirement |
skos:definition | "The (unstructured) requirement for something"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has requirement"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasSolution <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:FunctionalEntity |
rdfs:range | nen2660:TechnicalEntity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasSolution |
skos:definition | "A technical entity that is a potential solution for a functional entity"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has solution"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasState <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Entity |
rdfs:range | nen2660:State |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasState |
skos:definition | "The state of an entity in a certain point or period of time"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has state"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasTechnicalPart <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:TechnicalEntity |
rdfs:range | nen2660:TechnicalEntity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasTechnicalPart |
rdfs:subPropertyOf | nen2660:hasPart |
skos:definition | "A hasPart relation of a technical nature"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has technical part"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasTemporalEntity <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:ConcreteConcept |
rdfs:range | time:TemporalEntity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasTemporalEntity |
skos:definition | "The abstract temporal entity representing a concrete concept in time"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has temporal entity"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasUnit <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:range | qudt:Unit |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:hasUnit |
skos:definition | "The possession of a unit"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "has unit"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
hasUnitShape <>
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:class | qudt:Unit |
sh:targetObjectsOf | nen2660:hasUnit |
HeterogeneousMixture <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:HeterogeneousMixture |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Mixture |
skos:definition | "A mixture that is separated into different regions or phases that have different compositions or properties"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Heterogeneous mixture"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
HomogeneousMixture <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:HomogeneousMixture |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Mixture |
skos:definition | "A mixture that is uniform throughout, and has only one phase"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Homogeneous mixture"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
InformationFlow <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | nen2660:TransferType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:InformationFlow |
skos:definition | "The movement of information represented in some medium"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Information flow"@en |
InformationObject <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:InformationObject |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Object |
skos:definition | "Object which describes a thing in reality"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Information object"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
Interaction <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Interaction |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Activity |
skos:definition | "The activity being a combination of sub-activities performed by physical objects between which a transfer of matter, information, energy or force takes place, typically over a connection or interface (directly or through ports)"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Interaction"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
Interface <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Interface |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:SpatialRegion |
skos:definition | "A spatial object, typically a thin 2D physical space (but also 0D or 1D) that connects two physical objects or ports of physical objects through which a static or dynamic interaction or interaction between those elements can take place"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Interface"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
isBoundBy <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:SpatialRegion |
rdfs:range | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:isBoundBy |
skos:definition | "The physical object that bounds a spatial region"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "is bound by"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
isConnectedTo <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
rdfs:range | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:isConnectedTo |
skos:definition | "The topological relationship between physical objects"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "is connected to"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
isDescribedBy <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:TopConcept |
rdfs:range | nen2660:InformationObject |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:isDescribedBy |
skos:definition | "The information object that describes something"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "is described by"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
isImplementedBy <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:FunctionalEntity |
rdfs:range | nen2660:TechnicalEntity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:isImplementedBy |
rdfs:subPropertyOf | nen2660:hasSolution |
skos:definition | "The technical entity that implements a functional entity"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "is implemented by"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
isPlanFor <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:PlannedEntity |
rdfs:range | nen2660:RealizedEntity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:isPlanFor |
skos:definition | "A potentially realized entity according to this planned entity"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "is plan for"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
isRealizedBy <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:PlannedEntity |
rdfs:range | nen2660:RealizedEntity |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:isRealizedBy |
rdfs:subPropertyOf | nen2660:isPlanFor |
skos:definition | "The realized entity that realizes a planned entity"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "is realized by"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
Liquid <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | nen2660:AggregationStateType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Liquid |
skos:definition | "A liquid is a nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the shape of its container but retains a (nearly) constant volume independent of pressure"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Liquid"@en |
MaterialFlow <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | nen2660:TransferType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:MaterialFlow |
skos:definition | "The movement of an amount of material"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Material flow"@en |
Matter <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Matter |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
skos:definition | "A pure chemical substance, chemical compound or mixture from which real objects are made"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Matter"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
MatterPortion <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:MatterPortion |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:RelationReference |
skos:definition | "An objectified relation reference for the consists of relation"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Matter portion"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onProperty nen2660:portion ; ] |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onClass nen2660:Matter ; owl:onProperty rdf:value ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:QuantityValue ; sh:maxCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; sh:minCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; sh:path nen2660:portion ; ] |
Mixture <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Mixture |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Matter |
skos:definition | "The combination of two or more different pure substances without the molecules losing their identity"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Mixture"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:or ( [ sh:class nen2660:Matter ; ] [ sh:class nen2660:MatterPortion ; ] ) ; sh:path nen2660:consistsOf ; ] |
Object <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Object |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Entity |
skos:definition | "Entity that exists or can exist within a concrete space-time. An object executes an activity, and is transformed by an activity"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Object"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom nen2660:Object ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:Object ; sh:path nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
Objectification <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Objectification |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:AbstractConcept |
skos:definition | "An attribute (quality or quantity) or relation represented as an individual defined by a concept"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Objectification"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onProperty rdf:value ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:maxCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; sh:path rdf:value ; ] |
overConnection <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Interaction |
rdfs:range | nen2660:Connection |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:overConnection |
skos:definition | "The connection over which an interaction between physical objects takes place"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "over connection"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
overInterface <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Interaction |
rdfs:range | nen2660:Interface |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:overInterface |
skos:definition | "The interface over which an interaction between physical objects takes place"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "over interface"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
participatesIn <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
rdfs:range | nen2660:Interaction |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:participatesIn |
skos:definition | "The interaction a physical object participates in"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "participates in"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
PhysicalObject <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:PhysicalObject |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Object |
skos:definition | "Object that exists or may exist within physical 4D space-time. A physical object forms a manifestation and a demarcation of matter and/or energy, and is (in)directly perceptible by the senses"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Physical object"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
PlannedEntity <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:PlannedEntity |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Entity |
skos:definition | "An entity that does not yet exist in physical reality, but which exists in mental or conceptual reality"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Planned entity"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom nen2660:PlannedEntity ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
Plasma <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | nen2660:AggregationStateType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Plasma |
skos:definition | "A phase in which the particles of a gaseous substance are ionised"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Plasma"@en |
Port <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Port |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
skos:definition | "A physical or logical point of interaction as part of a physical object where, through a connection or interface, an interaction can take place"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Port"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
portion <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:MatterPortion |
rdfs:range | nen2660:QuantityValue |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:portion |
skos:definition | "The relative portion of a matter portion"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "portion"@en |
nen2660:hasQuantityKind | quantitykind:DimensionlessRatio |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
PureSubstance <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:PureSubstance |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Matter |
skos:definition | "Chemical matter that has an equal chemical composition and recognizable uniform and isotropic properties"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Pure substance"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
QualityValue <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:QualityValue |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Objectification |
skos:definition | "The objectification of a value of a quality having a complex value like a simple value sec combined with other metadata or just a combination of simple values"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Quality value"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( xsd:string xsd:boolean xsd:anyURI ) ; ] ; owl:onProperty rdf:value ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:path rdf:value ; ] |
QuantityValue <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:QuantityValue |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Objectification |
skos:definition | "The objectification of a value of a quantity (typically involving a quantity kind and a unit) having a complex value like a simple value sec combined with other metadata or just a combination of simple values"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Quantity value"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( xsd:decimal xsd:float xsd:double xsd:integer ) ; ] ; owl:onProperty rdf:value ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:or ( [ sh:datatype xsd:decimal ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:float ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:double ; ] ) ; sh:path rdf:value ; ] |
RealizedEntity <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:RealizedEntity |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Entity |
skos:definition | "An entity that exists or has existed in the physical reality"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Realized entity"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom nen2660:RealizedEntity ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:RealizedEntity ; sh:path nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
RealObject <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:RealObject |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
skos:definition | "physical object (rigid or non-rigid) that is (or can be) tangible and visible in reality, man-made or naturally occurring"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Real object"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( nen2660:RealObject nen2660:Port ) ; ] ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:or ( [ sh:class nen2660:Matter ; ] [ sh:class nen2660:MatterPortion ; ] ) ; sh:path nen2660:consistsOf ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:or ( [ sh:class nen2660:RealObject ; ] [ sh:class nen2660:Port ; ] ) ; sh:path nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
RelationReference <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:RelationReference |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Objectification |
skos:definition | "The objectification of a reference for a relation having a complex value like a simple reference sec combined with other metadata or just a combination of simple references (n-ary relation)"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Relation reference"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:anyURI ; owl:onProperty rdf:value ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:datatype xsd:anyURI ; sh:path rdf:value ; ] |
Representation <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Representation |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:InformationObject |
skos:definition | "That which represents something else"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Representation"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
Requirement <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Requirement |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:InformationObject |
skos:definition | "A rule that should hold for something, defined via its attributes or relations" |
skos:prefLabel | "Requirement"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onClass xsd:string ; owl:onProperty rdf:value ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:datatype xsd:string ; sh:maxCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; sh:minCount "1"^^xsd:integer ; sh:path rdf:value ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:RequirementSeverityType ; sh:path nen2660:requirementSeverityType ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:RequirementSourceType ; sh:path nen2660:requirementSourceType ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:RequirementTopicType ; sh:path nen2660:requirementTopicType ; ] |
RequirementSeverityType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdf:type | nen2660:EnumerationType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:RequirementSeverityType |
skos:definition | "The seriousness of a requirement like demanded or wished"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Requirement severity type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
requirementSeverityType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Requirement |
rdfs:range | nen2660:RequirementSeverityType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:requirementSeverityType |
skos:definition | "The possession of a severity type by a requirement"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "requirement severity type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
RequirementSourceType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdf:type | nen2660:EnumerationType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:RequirementSourceType |
skos:definition | "The type of source from which a requirement comes like a client, by definition, recommended by the sector or demanded by law/regulation"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Requirement source type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
requirementSourceType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Requirement |
rdfs:range | nen2660:RequirementSourceType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:requirementSourceType |
skos:definition | "The possession of a source type by a requirement"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "requirement source type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
RequirementTopicType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdf:type | nen2660:EnumerationType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:RequirementTopicType |
skos:definition | "The entity aspect a requirement applies to"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Requirement topic type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
requirementTopicType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Requirement |
rdfs:range | nen2660:RequirementTopicType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:requirementTopicType |
skos:definition | "The possession of a topic type by a requirement"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "requirement topic type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
Solid <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | nen2660:AggregationStateType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Solid |
skos:definition | "Matter that can be picked up or held, having a texture, and usually firm. Unlike a liquid, gas or plasma"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Solid"@en |
SpatialRegion <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:SpatialRegion |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:PhysicalObject |
skos:definition | "A physical object that encloses a particular area such as a room, roadway and river, that is bounded by real objects or other spatial areas (e.g., by usage or convention) and that contains primarily liquid or gaseous amount of matter"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Spatial region"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( nen2660:SpatialRegion nen2660:Port ) ; ] ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:RealObject ; sh:path nen2660:contains ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:or ( [ sh:class nen2660:SpatialRegion ; ] [ sh:class nen2660:Port ; ] ) ; sh:path nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
sh:property | [ sh:class nen2660:PhysicalObject ; sh:path nen2660:isBoundBy ; ] |
State <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:State |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:ConcreteConcept |
skos:definition | "Temporal part of an entity during a period between two events. A state is characterized by the properties and relations of the entity"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "State"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom nen2660:State ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
TechnicalEntity <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:TechnicalEntity |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:Entity |
skos:definition | "An entity concerned with technical properties and relations that implements or plays functional entities"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Technical entity"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
rdfs:subClassOf | [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom nen2660:Entity ; owl:onProperty nen2660:hasPart ; ] |
TopConcept <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:TopConcept |
skos:definition | "The most generic concept"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Top concept"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
TransferType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdf:type | nen2660:EnumerationType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:TransferType |
skos:definition | "The type of thing being transferred, here: material, information, energy or force"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Transfer type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |
owl:oneOf | ( nen2660:MaterialFlow nen2660:EnergyFlow nen2660:InformationFlow nen2660:Force ) |
From file nen2660-shacl.ttl | |
rdf:type | sh:NodeShape |
sh:in | ( nen2660:MaterialFlow nen2660:EnergyFlow nen2660:InformationFlow nen2660:Force ) |
transferType <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Interaction |
rdfs:range | nen2660:TransferType |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:transferType |
skos:definition | "The possession of a transfer type by an interaction"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "transfer type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
transforms <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Activity |
rdfs:range | nen2660:Object |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:transforms |
skos:definition | "The object transformed by an activity"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "transforms"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
triggers <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdf:Property |
rdfs:domain | nen2660:Entity |
rdfs:range | nen2660:Event |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:triggers |
skos:definition | "The event triggert by an entity"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "triggers"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:ObjectProperty |
Type <>
From file nen2660-rdfs.ttl | |
rdf:type | rdfs:Class |
rdfs:seeAlso | nen2660-term:Type |
rdfs:subClassOf | nen2660:AbstractConcept |
skos:definition | "A meta-concept which instances are concepts (not individuals)"@en |
skos:prefLabel | "Type"@en |
From file nen2660-owl.ttl | |
rdf:type | owl:Class |