
Query NEN 2660-2 using SPARQL

The NEN 2660-2 ontology is available as static, downloadable files. For dynamic integration, exploration and queries, Stichting CROW provides a public SPARQL-endpoint at:

The SPARQL-endpoint provided services GET or POST HTTP-requests according to the following (Source: Laces Hub):

  • with a GET query request, the percent-encoded query is passed as the value of the “query” parameter,
  • with a POST query request the query is passed in the body of the request and the “Content-Type” header is set to “application/sparql-query”.

Among the format of the result can be set using the “Accept” header, the following formats are supported:

  • JSON = application/json
  • CSV = text/csv
  • XML = application/sparql-results+xml
  • TSV = text/tab-separated-values

This query interface is provided by Triply’s Yasgui.